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Tunable Bandpass Cavity Filters (UF9978)

Tunable Bandpass Cavity Filters (UF9978) Using over 50 years of high performance RF filter design and manufacturing experience, MtronPTI can provide field tunable bandpass cavity filters that could be used to tune desired signals while rejecting interfering signals in Air Navigation Systems Receivers. Features: High Q Low Insertion Loss .

XO517X Extended Temperature OCXO

XO517X Extended Temperature OCXO MtronPTI is introducing a High Temperature and High Stability OCXO XO517X series as a timing reference for extreme environment applications. XO517X series offers exceptional temperature stability of less than +/-1.0ppb, over an operating temperature of -40°C to +90°C. Applications: Rugged Environment Ground based Satcom Troposcatter .

Vibration-Induced Phase Noise On Ovenized Oscillators (Video)

Vibration-Induced Phase Noise On Ovenized Oscillators Mel Mehret discusses how to reduce vibration sensitivity on an OCXO, and showed us an illustration of phase noise of the XO55310 100 MHz Evibe OCXO. Watch Video. Contact Information: Mel MehretMtronPTI 260-1130

XO8085 Integrated Frequency References

XO8085 Integrated Frequency References Combining over 25 years of discrete RF design expertise and high precision OCXO manufacturing experience, MtronPTI’s XO8085 series provides designers a High Stability, Ultra Low Phase Noise and Low G-Sensitivity PLL OCXO platform with an option of Multi Output Frequency References. With RF systems getting smaller in size an integrated .

MtronPTI 100MHz Sinewave Electronically Vibration Compensated OCXO

MtronPTI 100MHz Sinewave Electronically Vibration Compensated OCXO In high reliability communications and radar applications, maintaining performance comes first. The communication link must stay up; the picture must be clear even when conditions are less than ideal. Radars and satellite tuners use high performance crystal oscillators to keep frequencies quiet .